New website that is of great interest to me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I just came across this webiste that's of great interest to me:  The Conscious Dreamer By Sirley Marques Bonham .  I haven't explored it in it's entirety & in fact literally - I just stumbled upon it searching "isolated sleep paralysis" via google.  The reason I find this to be of extreme interest is because I am ever-so-often pulled into what she calls "recurrent isolated sleep paralysis", which I call rolling cyclyes or the like.  Regardless, one-in-the-same.

Check it out & check her site out (as I will continue to do) & I'm sure we'll all find it of interest :-)

Sleep well!
~ Jayequeue


Christmas SP

Monday, September 28, 2009

I thought I'd share an older episode of SP. This happened back when I was about 19-20 years old (I'm now 34).

It was around christmas time & I had gone to bed. At the time where I was living I was sleeping on a sofa bed in the living room because my bedroom didn't have working heat. The christmas tree was (of course) in the living room as well & the lights were on.

I was sleeping as normal as can be until I felt as though I woke up, but couldn't fully open my eyes. Try as I did, all I could manage to do was every-so-slightly open my eyes. I recall seeing the lights on the christmas tree through my (maybe) half-open eyes. I know my eyes were not fully open because I could see my eyelashes in the way of my vision of the tree. At first I didn't realize what was obstructing my vision, but then realized the obstruction was actually several feathery obstructions & that's when I figured it out. I tried & tried to open my eyes, to no avail. I eventually just fell back to sleep. There was no evil presence & I don't recall any feeling of my body being paralyzed. I think I was more concerned with the annoyance of not being able to open my eyes fully.


Bear with me ... Template Change

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The need for a 3 column template has come so kindly bear with me during the transition ... Consider my Blog to be "under construction" until further notice.

Please, continue to visit but ... don't mind the cob-webs :-)


Sleeping Well (not to be confused with a wishing well .. hehe)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorry to have been lacking in my posts as of late, however I haven't had all that much to blog about.  I've had the luxury of several good nights of sleep!  Yay for me!  I have an inkling it has to do with the fact that I'm doing my best not to allow myself to get anxious about the possibility of an SP episode prior to falling asleep.

The closest I came to an episode was this morning.  I noticed that I almost had trouble going from REM to wakefulness.  The easiest way for me to explain it would be as if I stuttered in waking.

It's truly amazing what a good night of sleep can do for a person.  I'm actually enjoying my sleep again & feeling quite rested when I wake up.  I notice also that I tend to wake up earlier, but of course don't want to get out of bed because I'm enjoying being able to sleep so much!

That's about it for now.  I will continue researching & posting as much information as I can.  I will be watching the SoulSmack video soon & will share my thoughts on it. 

Oh & here's the link for one of the best books I've found out there thus far:

This book is also highly recommended on the web from other SP sufferers - enjoy!

Sleep well everyone :-)


Hello? Hello? Hello?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Is anybody out there? Just nod if you can "hear" me ... is anyone home?


The Dream World of Jayeque

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wow, talk about strange dreams ... last night I had 3 consecutive dreams that all intermingled into one another.  The first one contained my boyfriend & I & involved work.  Now, I say the dreams intermingled into one another because they all took place at our house although it wasn't our current place & it was a house I'd never seen before.  I can vividly remember the layout although I couldn't tell you what the outside of it looked like.  I had a certain feeling that it was a house though - not a condo (which we live in now).

In the 2nd one, he & I were actually another couple (living in the same house).  Am I the only one that dreams they're someone else?  It always makes me wonder if I'm actually in someone else's dream & who on earth are these flipping people? 

Anyway, the 3rd one which was also took place in the same house was more SP related.  I woke up & was partly myself & partly still this other woman (don't ask me to explain that-I don't think I could) & I was trying to get out of bed but could barely move.  I felt incredibly heavy and couldn't open my eyes all the way (hence this one being SP related).  I managed to get out of bed & for whatever reason thought that if I could get my glasses then I would be able to open my eyes all the way & see again.  Eventually, I managed to locate my glasses, all the while dragging this dead weight of a body around (that's exactly how it felt - like it wasn't my body but this dead weight) & barely being able to see.  I put my glasses on but they (of course) didn't help.  Then I woke up (for real & it was morning).

Um & don't forget to take part in my (ever so lonely) poll over on the left hand side!  Scroll down if you don't see it :-)


Time to Vote!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good morning/afternoon people!

Just a quick line-even if you don't have SP related comments/experiences to share, feel free to vote in the poll on the left hand side.

Thanks so much :-)

I'll be posting again later on today ...


A little more information on SP

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What is sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis (or muscular atonia) is paralysis of the body except for those muscles related to our eyes and diaphragm. During this normal part of the REM sleep phase our brains send out hormones to induce muscular atonia so we do not act out dreams and cause injury to ourselves while sleeping.

In a nutshell, since muscular atonia is a normal part of our sleep cycle, but waking during it is not, waking up during this process is commonly considered an REM (Rapid Eye Movement) malfunction.

Although, we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we’re completely normal, unfortunately we are still faced with our brains inability to understand we are paralyzed when this happens and therefore the symptoms associated with sleep paralysis occur.
How many people are affected by sleep paralysis?

Unfortunately, due to the lack of knowledge on the subject of sleep paralysis, research on the number of people affected by it can range from as low as 5% to as high as 40% worldwide. Obviously, with this broad a variation, an accurate count is virtually impossible.

Adding to the difficulty in obtaining an accurate percentage is the stigma behind discussing sleep paralysis.

Most of the general population is not willing to discuss their sleep paralysis because they fear they will be considered “crazy” or psychotic. Often times, patients will present the subject of sleep paralysis to the attention of their doctor and one of two things will happen:

1. Their doctor is unfamiliar with the subject matter and attributes it to stress.

2. The patient may be prescribed an anti-depressant or similar medication.

As a result, this may actually have the reverse affect and increase the patient’s instances of sleep paralysis. Additionally it may create a block in communication with friends and family for fear of what others might think of the patient’s mental state.

More research on the subject of sleep paralysis is needed.

Unfortunately, because there is not sufficient research available regarding sleep paralysis many people don’t realize what is happening to them when it occurs. More research on the cause of sleep paralysis is needed so that awareness on the subject is more extensive and sufferers can find relief without the worries of the stigma associated with it.


Page Functionality

Hello all!

I've worked out most of the bugs here now however, if you come across any links that don't work please let me know so that I can correct them.

Ugh, hopefully I can get to sleep ok tonight.  Last night, although extremely tired I again fought falling asleep even though it ended being a 'mostly' uneventful night's sleep. 

Crap, I missed BB11 tonight .... well, I can still catch the last 10 minutes or so & thanks to twitter ... I know what's going on :-)


Finally happy with my page!

Well after quite a bit of hunting & a lot of tweaking I'm finally happy with my page - VERY happy with it actually!  I do still need to add a stat counter but that's something I can do at any time (once I find one I like).

And, on the subject of SP - no episodes for the most part this week.  I did however have a very strange and vivid dream last night ... I was working in an office and looking at my emails with 2 female co-workers (who they were is beyond me but I sure knew them in my dream!).  I had received one of those "chain emails" from what apparently was another co-worker named "Rachel McAdams" ... We were all kind of snickering about her for some reason as if we all disliked the girl for some reason.  Anyway, I woke-up right after this dream & due to the vividness of it I kept repeating the name over in my head because I wanted to remember it.  I have no idea where the name came from & it just struck me as incredibly odd.

Ok, well ... that's all for now.  Remember, if you have any SP experiences you want to share -- PLEASE share them & don't forget to take part in my poll (in the upper left hand corner).


Stat counter

Friday, September 4, 2009

Since I'm not sure if anyone has stumbled across my blog I would like to get a stat counter.  So ... if anyone is reading this would you be so kind as to make a recommendation for me?

Thanks so much!!


I've opened up a can of worms ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ok, apparently beginning this research and putting the subject of SP out there has (as I suspected it would ...) brought on a slew of SP "attacks". 4 rolling cycles to be exact.

Having stayed up until around midnight (give or take) last night I went to bed tired and wired at the same time. Prior to finally dragging myself to bed I had been dreading the very thought - KNOWING it would happen - KNOWING I would be faced with the fear of going to sleep. As it is most every night (and if I cave and take a nap), I lay down with great anxiety, fearing the Dark One will visit. I close my eyes and whip them open to look around the room ... I move my hand, my arm, cough or clear my throat to be sure I am truly awake. If strange dream-like visions come into my head, I repeat this test of wakefulness yet again. Sometimes I will hear my name spoken when I KNOW it clearly was not spoken.

Eventually, after at least a good hour of half falling asleep only to jerk myself awake I did succumb and fall asleep. Soon I was there and there he was; only he was different this time. I must have somehow injected a sense of humor and personality into this creature because what took place was far beyond my normal "attacks".
Once I realized where I was and what was happening I saw him on top of me - he was dressed kind of like a "superhero" ... I know - totally weird. Anyway, we spoke back and forth. He stating "Well, here I am Mr. (I forget exactly how he referred to himself). You knew I was coming" and I replied back "I did, I did. How are you? Good to see you." All this while he pressed down so hard on my ribs it was causing excruciating pain. We maintained a slight conversation back and forth with discussions as to who would visit me next ... he proceeded to press down on my ribs and as is the Dark One's usual repertoire, once I took a breath in he would press down as hard as humanly (or non-humanly) possible so I wasn't able to get the satisfaction of releasing a full breath. This of course was accompanied by the same excruciating pain. At this point the pain is so unbearable that I actually fear my ribs will break and grow concerned that I may have a heart attack and die in my sleep. I can actually feel the bones move and almost crack.

He proceeds to stick his hands in my mouth and in a sickly manner press his fingers all around my gums with my jaw gaping wide-open almost beyond what one would consider possible. (this part probably sounds a bit funny but, I swear it was awful! Not to mention the fact that he was doing that at the same time as pressing on my ribs - how is that possible?!!).

After this went on for a few minutes he changed into a new Dark One ... and then another as if they were working shifts! It was very odd ... My subconscious caught onto this and putting it together with the notion that they were all "workers" I requested Mr. Superniceguy (remember - they all had strange darksuperhero type names) and "poof" I was in this building where a whole bunch of them were walking around, clocking in, eating lunch etc. I was being led to Mr. Superniceguy who then proceeded to walk me out the door (apparently you go through a door to get back to bed?) and then I woke up. It was by far the strangest SP episode I've had yet. I even remember walking by the other Dark Ones who I had previously been taunted by.

I would like to expand on the idea that the Dark One's were "workers" and my feeling as if I would die of a heart attack from the pain. At the time, the fear I might die was more from the pain then from any malice on his part. Oddly, I actually felt as though he was simply "doing his job" - earning his keep...

By the time I truly woke up the familiar feeling of utter exhaustion had taken me. I so desperately wanted to go back to sleep but knew if I did I would fall back into another rolling cycle so I managed to get myself up out of bed for a few minutes. Eventually, I went back to sleep and didn't have another instance.

As is "the curse" with SP - if you're thinking about it when you go to sleep - it will happen. I was hoping that by getting it out on the table and researching it that might not occur. I was wrong. I will however continue to research it and note my episodes here every time I can.

I will also state that I was NOT lying on my back last night and most often times I am NOT lying on my back when it occurs, so the theory that you can prevent it from occurring by simply not laying in the supine position is complete bunk.

Additionally, although it didn't occur this time, there have been instances when after a night of battling with the Dark One I have had residual pain in my ribs the next day. There was one time in particular that they were actually painful to the touch as if I had bruised ribs! How that's possible is beyond me. If we are hallucinating - are our minds truly that capable?


What is Sleep Paralysis?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Explanation

You’ve just woken up, only to realize you can’t move a muscle. You can’t talk even though you want to shout for help and you sense someone in the room with you and you know they want to cause you harm. You try to move your arm, but you can’t, you try to scream ... You fear for your life but you can’t move because you’re paralyzed!

Sleep Paralysis (SP) (also called Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis or HSP or Isolated Sleep Paralysis or ISP) is a condition in which, upon waking, a person is completely aware of their surroundings, able to breathe and sometimes move the eyes but is unable to move the rest of the body due to the onset of muscular atonia (a normal part of the REM sleep phase). This condition (often referred to as an “attack”) is a common symptom among narcoleptics but can happen to others without narcolepsy and often does, although the exact percentages vary widely.

What are the symptoms of SP?

There are many articles and books available but unfortunately they do not cover a vast scope of the actual symptoms that can occur during SP. As individuals our experiences differ. As we progress through our lives, our symptoms can change and evolve as well. Below is a comprehensive listing of the most common symptoms associated with an “attack” of SP.
The core symptom associated with every instance of SP is a feeling of wakefulness and awareness of surroundings accompanied by the inability to move, often (but not always) including sensations of:
  • Hallucinations
    • Hypnagogic or Hypnopompic
    • A sense of evil nearby
    • Sensation of a presence in the room sometimes accompanied by:
    • pressure on the chest or body
    • choking , felt to prevent adequate breathing in an effort to end one’s life
    • poking
    • stabbing (as if with a needle or digit)
    • extreme, terrifying fear for one’s life
    • very heavy limbs and extreme fatigue
    • sensations of trying “fight off” the presence sensed
    • sensations of sexual nature
  • Vibrations (or pins and needles feeling)
  • Noises
    • door slamming
    • object(s) falling
    • buzzing
    • household sounds (as if lying in bed awake and hearing a family member talking)
  • Voices
    • one’s name being called
    • words or sentences whispered or growled in ones ear
  • Smells
  • Levitation (floating or gliding)
  • Lights
    • Flashing
    • Atmospheric (surrounded one while lying in bed)
How long does SP last?

Sleep paralysis can last for as little as a few seconds to as long as a half hour and although uncommon, one may have several recurring episodes in which they think they are coming out of it only to find themselves still paralyzed and stuck in what appears to be a vicious and terrifying cycle.

The Good News

Remember, although terrifying, SP is a normal part of our sleep cycle and it will end.


Change to Blog Content

Hello folks! It's been a while since I have updated my blog and I have decided to make a temporary content change.

My intention is to research a much needed subject matter and to do so I need your help.

The topic of choice is Sleep Paralysis (SP) (also called Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis or HSP or Isolated Sleep Paralysis or ISP).

If you have woken up to realize you can't move a muscle, can't talk and a terrifying cloud of fear envelopes you then I would like to hear about your experience.

SP can be an extremely frightening occurrence and unfortunately many people that experience it don't know what it is and worse - feel completely alone because they are afraid to share what has happened to them, for fear people will view them as "crazy". What we don't realize is that we are not alone and we can share our experiences and learn from each other. Not to mention the fact that SP is actually a completely normal part of our REM sleep cycle!

If you have experienced SP, please drop me line via my blog so we can get the word out about this frightening experience. With your help I will be able to provide accurate information and make it available to those who need it.

Should you need a clearer description or definition of SP, it is defined at as "A frightening form of paralysis that occurs when a person suddenly finds himself or herself unable to move for a few minutes, most often upon falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis is due to an ill-timed disconnection between the brain and the body."
Additional Symptoms (to name a few):
  • Hallucinations (Hypnagogic or Hypnopompic)
  • Sensation of an evil presense in the room sometimes leading to a choking sensation
  • Vibrations
  • Noises/Voices
  • Flashing lights
  • Smells
  • Feeling of intense fear or terror

SP is also often referred to as "The Old Hag" an "Incubus" or "Succubus".

I will post a reflection of one of my past experiences to get this started. Please feel free to add your 2 cents regarding it. I will also be adding further content to further expand the definition of SP.


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