Put those recycling bins to work!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My mother was an avid recycler. She would also give anyone she met the shirt off her back if they needed it. She was always one to give, never expect anything in return and she never thought twice about it. She was that woman that you thought was a “little odd” because she would reuse every single piece of paper, every piece of scrap-paper even! It wasn’t at all out of the ordinary for my mom to hand me a piece of paper that had notes all over it - front and back … she would have to circle whatever it was that pertained to me. It makes me laugh just thinking about it but also thankful at the same time.
In Palm Beach County we have that same opportunity available to us. Make sure you’re putting your recycling bins to use! By recycling we can make our environment (& that of the future) a better, cleaner place to live.
Recycling has come a long way over the years. We can recycle newspaper, magazines, phone books, paper bags, plastic and glass containers, foil, milk and juice cartons … the list goes on. To think that back when my mom started, only #2 plastic was recyclable! Now we can recycle #’s 1-7!
For further information and recycling facts visit Earth911.com.


An easy way to give that's close to home

Monday, April 27, 2009

Locks of Love is a wonderful non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to disadvantaged children. By donating your hair you can help children that suffer from hair loss conditions. One donation can be enough to put a smile back on a child’s face and enable them to regain their much needed confidence to face the world.

Locks of Love is located in West Palm Beach, Florida and has many events and ways you can volunteer.

You don’t have to donate your locks - check out their website or give them a call to find out how you can help!

You can contact them at: Locks of Love 234 Southern Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Phone: 561-833-7332


GIve a Little - Get a Lot

Sunday, April 26, 2009

To start off 2009, the company I work for has introduced a year-long campaign to give back to our community. Each month we (literally) give back by participating in charity functions. Nothing is expected in return, the only expectation is to give, to help and to enjoy doing it. The reward is wrapped in one with the experience. Give a little - get a lot.

I have participated in two of the events so far this year and after the most recent one (volunteering at the MSWalk just the other weekend) I made the committment to participate in every single upcoming event as well. I can certainly afford to spare a few hours of my day once a month to help make my community (even my world) a better place!

In addition to my committment to particpating in every monthly event, I have also decided to help those out in the West Palm Beach, FL (& surrounding areas). Please stay tuned & come back regularly for tips, suggestions, & information to see how you can help make a difference.


The Anti-Good Rule

Saturday, April 25, 2009

When did it become common practice to see someone, and in passing, ask them how they are but continue walking without even a thought that they might reply? The frequency with which this happens appears to be increasing on a daily basis. Why is it that we ask the question if we don’t care to hear the answer? Are we not anticipating the answer? Do we not want to hear the answer? Well, then why the heck are we asking? Or do we really just care that little that we say it out of habit?

Maybe this goes hand-in-hand with the common response to this question (if one lingers long enough to hear it): “Good” … Are we “Good”? Probably not, most likely not but we still say it: “Good” … I personally have gotten into the habit of not relying on the “Good” crutch. I give an honest answer. That reply might be “Splendid! How about you?” or “Eh, tired. I can’t seem to wake up today. You?” … I found with a genuine reply the person lingers and conversation pursues. A true conversation; and when that happens, sometimes a friendship can be built on that one rule of mine: The Anti-Good …

Make this your new habit, see what happens & absolutely, absolutey do not keep walking next time you ask someone how they’re doing. Stop & wait for their answer. You might be surprised.


And thus it begins ...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Yes folks, I have finally gotten off my rear & jumped back into the world of blogging … It’s been a while but, I find myself looking around … legs crossed … feeling quite cozy & comfortable like a pair of soft, fuzzy lamb (yes, lamb) slippers.
What will Jayequeue’s Blog be about you ask … that … that answer … will come in due time (jeeze - don’t pressure me!)


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