Early to bed, Early to rise .... & then some ...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Things have been going fairly well as of late with the slight exception of last night.  I wasn't feeling too well & I knew it was a result of not enough sleep over the past few days.  I decided to go to bed early to catch up on my sleep.  I'd made that decision earlier in the day & come the time I'd mentally set to accomplish this, I was oddly pretty close to wide awake at that point .. or should I say - my mind was  - my body - not so much.  You know the feeling, your body is tired but your mind is going a mile a minute ...

Regardless, I proceeded to kiss my boyfriend goodnight, grab my cat & trudge on towards our bed with a steadfast determination to hit the hay at an early hour.  Of course, I knew my mind was racing at that point (which often leads to ISP) so I left our hallway light on in the master suite for "comfort".  I know, I'm a 34 year old woman but the light makes me feel better damnit - shoosh!

Nonetheless, I must have had about 6 or 7 rolling cycles of SP (or RISP as read in an article today - also referenced on my blog - I'm too lazy to look up the reference but if you scroll down & read the article by Sirley you'll find it).

All of the cycles were memorable but the one that sticks in my head (& the one I shared with my other half) was the last one.

You see, because my mind was going a mile a minute (which is never good when you're trying to sleep) & I knew my boyfriend would soon (not sure when, but soon) be coming into the bedroom to go to sleep as well ... I was anticipating the possibility of being woken up.  Doesn't sound like a big deal right?  Well, when you have RISP it is a big deal because it can add to the anxiety involved in the simple procedure of falling asleep.

Ok, I got a bit off track.  Nonetheless, so ... the one that sticks in my head went like this:  I "woke up" & sensed that my boyfriend wasn't in the bed with me because I saw the light was still on, so my natural instinct was to see what time it was.  Now, I have my Blackberry set to turn off at 2am & restart at 7am so I anticipated having to turn it back on to check the time (I was assuming it was after 2-obviously).  So, I "reached" for my blackberry with this in mind only to find that although I was sending the signals to brain to perform this easy/normal-every day task - it wasn't happening.  I looked down at my arm only to see it not moving.  I thought to myself, "self, it's ok, you're just stuck, stare at the light & you'll wake up".  I did this to no avail.  I then thought, "ok, move your big toe" - I know - sounds like the "Kill Bill" movies but, darn it - it worked & poof, my toe moved, cracked & I woke up.

It was quite refreshing yet disturbing.  I was upset that I'd been going through RISP episodes for over 2 hours - around 2-1/2 to be exact but at the same time I was happy that I'd come out of a pretty harmless episode of your standard SP with complete ease.  How did I manage that?  I'm not entirely sure but I'll tell you this.  I refused to even get scared, I simply accepted what was happening & found a solution/a way to make it stop.  That's it.  Whether or not that will happen from now on remains to be seen & quite frankly I'm a bit doubtful.  There are so many instances where it seems I am in no control whatsoever & at the mercy of "someone" else.  I'd like to be hopeful, but it's difficult when I compare this instance and the few other good instances to the amount of bad instances I've had.  Unfortunately, the few are few & far between ...

I'd also like to point out that my other RISP's included a number of the different symptoms associated with SP however never all of them at the same time.  To be more specific, & to give another example, I completely "hallucinated" that my boyfriend had opened the door, walked into the bedroom & then into the bathroom at one point.  I then woke up & it had not happened.  I was a little baffled because it seemed so real but at the same time, part of me knew it wasn't real.  I also heard loud explosions, doors opening, voices etc .. all while I was going "in & out of sleep". 

Anyway, so much for me catching up on my sleep last night but ... I will say, as bad as it was - I did at least get to lay down for a few extra hours last night & I woke up refreshed so - I'll take it any way I can get it :-)

Sleep well!


Interesting dream last night

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ok, technically it's last night but , well, it's really late so .. it was my last dream so is it really the night before last?  Regardless, I had an (among others) very vivid dream.  It was really strange, as if I wasn't really the person in "said dream" but as if I was the actor in what appeared to be a taping of a movie (no, not that kind!). 

Anyway, I could see through the eyes of the actress & at times felt as if I "were" the actress (insert "Being John Malkovich") ... very, odd.  I could feel what the other actor was feeling (in this case Robert Downey Jr.) & felt a very close connection to him as well.  The dream progressed, taking place in a green room/office environment until the very end when gunshots sprang loose.  Upon this .... my alarm went off & I awoke.

Another instance showing that i am experiencing REM at times when I should be in a different sleep stage.

None-the-less, an enjoyable & interresting dream experience :-)

Time for bed now - (& then some)

Sleep well all
~ Jayequeue 


Little Bitch

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What I've Been Up To:

I've been surfing around for other blogs to read & I've found quite a few out there that are interesting & fun to read (some even help to put your brain to use!).  I've put links on my page should anyone else want to venture their way as well.  I highly suggest visiting them, I'm confident you'll be glad you did.  In my "surfing", I've really been pleasantly surprised at the writing ability that's out there among bloggers.  It was quite refreshing if I do say so myself!

Ramblings (a.k.a. bitching & moaning):

I'm finding as of late that I'm incredibly annoyed by people that talk out loud, or to me, interrupting me,when I'm trying to complete something that takes my concentration (such as blogging).  I can't help but reflect back to when I was a teenager who lived (yes "lived" not just "loved") to read ... but got nasty as could be when interrupted.  My poor sister, I would yell at her for interrupting me & she'd tromp off in a huff, slamming my bedroom door & then her own.  Part of me still thinks she was overreacting, but looking at it from her point of view, I can see how I wasn't taking her feelings into consideration yet completely expected her to consider my feelings.  Ironic or human nature?

To this day I'm annoyed by people that interrupt me or make strange noises (usually of the subconscious nature).  I find it comparable to nails on a chalk board.  Maybe I'm just an irritable little bitch ... or maybe I should just rip off whatever part of that other person's body is that's making the sounds ... Ok, maybe I am just an irritable little bitch :-)


Did have an SP episode the other night, but other than the dark figure & the paralysis it was uneventful.  The figure just stood there as if his presence was necessary to maintain my paralysis, but eventually it ended.  Oddly, it was in the middle of the night & I just fell right back into sleep afterwards.  It's strange however that I still remembered it.

Comment (Hello?):

Remember, you're all more than welcome to leave me a comment anytime you'd like.  I'll even comment back.  I know you're reading because I see the stats, but ... no comment love for me yet?  Hehe, make a girl smile - leave a comment ... even if you just want to tell me to shut up & stop asking you to leave them ... it's ok, I can take it!

Take care & sleep well.


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